Honestly, I don't know how to express what I feel right now. Merasa bersalah. I just came to latihan TW44. Some of niyaga (niyaga is penabuh gamelan) pergi duluan. So I had a chance to play gamelan. Hahaha. Menyenangkan but still not enjoying. Hehe maklum, masih awal.

In TW44, I decided not to join any group neither Karawitan nor Tari nor Tokoh. My first reason : My heart said that I want to play karawitan. Padahal karawitan itu tiap TW dimainkan oleh angkatan terbawah. I think keinginan untuk main karawitan buat TW masih ada and it won't be kelakon. Okay. I can't play karawitan, so I can join Tari or Tokoh. But I'm not interested. Haha. 2nd reason : news from pak olak had made a conversation between me and my dad, and he requested, he asked me not to karawitan terus. Keinginan yang mengganjal. Ya gimana ya. I still want to enjoy this TW, included in the process. But but but ...

And I had been asked twice by the PJ Tari to join Tari group. She told me the condition. Honestly, I want to help but I'm sorry, I had promise.


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