Warning! It's Totally Random :v

Waaa actually i don't know what I will write. I just wanna write something but but but . . don't know what have to write. wakakaaaa

I just passed my last exam, Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan. This is the worst preparation ever in this semester. Even though my preparation was bad. hahahaaa I studied on H-3 (hours - 3, i dont know how to express J-3 (Indonesian) in English) and the last one hour i only read Detective Conan hehehe :v finally, out of my expectation, I just "mengarang bebas" if we say it in Indonesian :v. Yaudahlah yaaa let it go.

Hmmm finally I can go back to my habitat :D yeah, tomorrow will be my first time going home by bus. hahahaaa i think my english is really really bad. It's bad but I force my self to write in english. hahaa sorry for this annoying post.

Oh man, it's so confusing write in english. I haven't used to write in english. hmm i think i got a place to practice my english hehee yep yep in this blog. Hahaa actually i have a project with two of my friends let's call them Rahmi and Fitri, to speak in english. But poorly it was GATOT, failed, man! just because of being impatient, i mean telaten.

Okay, let's start write about something. I had write about my activity beside going to lectures everyday in this semester, i also makes stories in another place, in my club. There are soooo many many stories with different taste. As  I said before, this was my first time having such terrible responsibility. I was being the chairman of the curriculum and methods (let's call it mamet). Yea, it's terrible thing for me to think something serious like that. You know lah yaaa I'm a person usually just an executor and think something haha hihi. But I can do it with my friends hahaaa the proof is i could passed it :D

beside i was a mamet, i also terjun langsung to the field. Become instructor for karawitan team, especially Bonang Barung. I have to terjun langsung being the instructor coz of some reasons. I absolutely forget what my "littel bro" did in those time. But it was a pleased thing to know my new little bro and sis deeper by myself. Hahahaa even I become the one who close to them rather than my two little bros.

let me introduce my little bro and sis. (after wrote this, i think i will describe each of my little bros and sis) but first, you have to know what kind of little bros and sis they are. haha yep yep, we are Keluarga Bonang, orang-orang keren :v so that's why i call them little bro and sis

1. Wheland

This is my first little bro. Hahaha . . . he is a cheerful boy. Usually do odd thing in a right  time, i mean he do something odd to cheer up people around him. Hahaha you have to know that we have a same dream : attend school in Japan. Hahaha honestly something rude happens to me since i firstly met him. I learn many things from him, especially the lesson of life. For me, he is a Orang keren (for my definition). Simple, responsible, kocak, knowing others, good at chemistry, caring others, keren, chinese (that's why many people call him Kokoh), on time, hard worker, if  get busy will have less sleep time on weekdays and has revenge on weekend, will get Sariawan if too busy and stress, dislike Soto with coconut milk, likes YUI and ngaku-ngaku mantannya YUI -_- (I like her too), loves touring so much, these all describe Wheland. hahahaa wish our same dream comes true. Aamiin.

But now he got new aliance, now he is one of Kendhangers. Although now he has new
status : Pengendhang, but he is still orang keren Keluarga Bonang. And he succeed to make me proud of him.

2. Hendrik

he is my second little bro. Why 2nd? because at first, he was not keluarga bonang, he was demunger. but cos of something, he tried to play bonang and now, here we are Keluarga Bonang. But now he found new profecy : an actor. hahaa recently he got a role in pagelaran. kemarin sih jadi Sengkuni, trus juga pernah jadi Petruk. hahaha. Because of his cool hair, if he stand in front of everyone in PSTK, he will be asked to act like a shampoo model. hahahaa. All of my old little bros get new job coy. hahaha but we are still Keluarga Bonang ^^

Now he is the chairman of Artistic division in TW44. He will found his way there, i'm sure. With his odd sentence "Lhoh heh, Lheh hoh" hahahaaaa

3. Imung

At first, i was a bit scared of this my little bro. Haha gimana ga, first time he came to the Kresna class, he gave us (i mean me and mince) an impression that he has a high level of critical thinking. You know lah yaaa i just an ordinary people so i was a bit scared to be his instructor. But in a short time, he is the closest one to me between bonangers 2014 haha. A sensitive person, even he had told me "mbak, your face is odd, you have tasks, don't you?" hahahaaa even he knew in that time i was confused by my tasks and duties. hahaha. in the final task to PLE, Imung became the chairman of the Pagelaran. Wow, it's cool isn't it? Now he has two daughters. Don't think they are his real daughters. He hasn't married, man! hahahaaa they are his friends, a close friend. Just cos of he is older and act more mature than them they call him Bapak. Hahahaa but i think they are a happy family even they haven't known their mom yet. hahahaaa. And you have to know that he is the Bonangers in Pagelaran TW44. Wuuuu (applause). Just guessing, when he was in high school he was a ketua OSIS

an enthusiastic boy, cheerful but often has flat expression, can hold laugh in a long time, caring others, doesn't realize that he got overdose of thinking and suddenly his health drop, a hesitate person, narcissistic person, even his desktop is full of his odd photos, i think that's how i describe him.

I think you have to know that recently all of my friends in PSTK pairs me and imung. hahaa but it's just a joke. Hahaa all of these  cos of my attitude during the process of kaderisasi. hahahaa i think i always like that even with my older little bros, but they react alay-ly this time wkkk. And cos of mishearing my word, Doraemon became doraimung (i like Doraemon coy, so my friends keep the word doraimung for me)

4. Tito

Tito is the top man in his angkatan. He is ketua angkatan coy! hahaa this time Bonangers are cool, right? hahaa the previous bonanger, Wheland just became the candidate and this time, here we present the chief of PSTK 2014, Ahmad Aulia Justisiananto! Wuuu Dor dor dor (imagine a fireworks)

if we compare imung and tito we will get a flatter expression on Tito. Yea, i don't know how can he has that super flat expression. Now in Pagelaran he join Saroners. Oh man, yaudah lah yaaa it's not a problem. yang penting they have curiousity, have a spirit to make a great things haha.

as a leader, if we refer to Ki Hajar Dewantoro's word, tito is a kind of Tut Wuri Handayani leader. He hasn't feel free to stand up, speak and lead in front of his people. an ambitious person, i think he is a bit serous, he loves solidarity. i was amazed when knowing he had been going to America, participated in a contest. Wow!

5. Indah

this girl is childish. She is like me, my self in the first time i came to this campus. has problem in communicate with people, too shame to talk to new people, too afraid to talk in front of people and feels like in the corner even in the middle of hustle. But now, she change little by little. She descends her introvert level a bit. and starts to feel comfort with people. but she still a calm and childish girl.

unfortunately she didn't attend the casting of Pagelaran so she has no role in the stage. But i believe she will get her way to be an Orang Keren. I'm sure.

Yeaaa that's my little bros and sis. I feels that i just a dust if compared to them. They are still growing up, still looking for the way to be an Orang Keren (padahal gue juga iya -_-) I'm sure we will be real Orang Keren someday. This is just the start, guys. Selamat berjuang! keep spirit! make me proud of you all. Hope we will always be a happy and grreat family until soooo many generatios after me and hope whatever our dreams will come true. Aamiin


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