Before the start of the last | part 1
Euforia wisuda agustus kemarin terlihat masih membahana di timeline facebook. Banyak postingan yang isinya tak jauh berbeda : ucapan selamat dan terima kasih yang diungkapkan dengan berbagai kemungkinan rangkaian kata. Postingan foto pun tak karuan banyaknya. Semuanya terlihat bahagia. Ada yang memamerkan berbagai hadiah yang ia dapat, ada yang memperlihatkan kebahagiaan dengan foto bersama keluarga, ada yang memperlihat kan kebahagiaan dengan berfoto bangga bersama produk TA nya, ada yang memperlihatkan kebahagiaan dengan foto-foto bersama kawan-kawannya.
Somehow it makes me think. I wonder how my graduation day will be. Looking at myself, looking which state I am standing now makes questions babble in my mind. Will something like that happen to me? I don't care about the souvenirs, the "arak-arakan", the performs, but what I mean is friends. Will I feel "I have friends" that time? Will I really have friends that time? Apa serunya diwisuda tanpa adanya teman.
Hahaa hanya monolog dalam pikiran saya
Somehow it makes me think. I wonder how my graduation day will be. Looking at myself, looking which state I am standing now makes questions babble in my mind. Will something like that happen to me? I don't care about the souvenirs, the "arak-arakan", the performs, but what I mean is friends. Will I feel "I have friends" that time? Will I really have friends that time? Apa serunya diwisuda tanpa adanya teman.
Okay, Nal. I think you know what you want. You should know what to do to get it.
I should open myself wider than before. Making friends.
Yeah, you have to be open minded. The last year in this campus, make beautiful memories, make friends and make a happy ending. Do what you want to do.
Hahaa hanya monolog dalam pikiran saya