Nuthouse of Life

I just attended Rumah Belajar (Rumbel) HME, one of the social devotion program of Himpunan Mahasiswa ELektroteknik. Actually, I have joined it since last year but my presence is less then five. Hahaha At first, I didn't plan to come but finally I followed Rahmi and Fitri to come.

The first thing I saw was a river, very dirty river. It was full with trashes and I found two people were washing beside a well near the river. It is only about 2 meters apart from the river. Actually it is not an ordinary river, all the grey water in this area meets in this river. The  first thing I said in my mind was "Astaghfirullah, How a great fortune I got, There is enough space in my home and also in my boarding house to wash clothes. I don't have to look for water or more place to wash. And I think I also got water in better quality than them. So how rude I am, for not realizing the grace I got for a long time."

I passed them and went to the location of rumbel. It is about 5 meters apart.It was crowded. Just like other agenda of Rumbel I attended, it was chaos. All this kids made much noises. It was hard to control them besides I was not familiar and didn't get along with them. Watching them made me got such a headache and thought that I am grateful for growing up in such a wonderful place, my sweet home, having such parents like my mom and dad, being teached, educated with such methods my parents did to me that I got myself in this state.

It comes to my mind that everyone should have their nuthouse. Yea, nuthouse, rumah sakit jiwa. Not a hospital in physical or mental in psychology point of view but mental in religious point of view, Moslems called it "iman", I mean the state that describes how is your relationship with your Lord.

When you feel that you fail, everything you did was useless, desperate, feel that God is unfair, so try to walk around. Look your surroundings. Feel the sensation of life. Think it. Whatever you find, if you realize it, you will find that you have a great Lord. You will be amazed by the greatness of the Lord.

If you find green surroundings, feel the sensation of peace, the sensation of oxygen, the beautiful sound of birds, the beauty given by sunlight, the beauty of peaceful and great scenery. Feel it. I think you'll find this situation is amazing. How powerful our God to create these all creature with all complex details they have so you can enjoy all this air.

maybe find a same thing like i told before. You will find that you are lucky. You have to be thankful, be grateful to your God. How can you judge God to be unfair whereas He gives you uncountable grace. Even the air you breathe is wonderful thing that you got it freely and you never think about this.

maybe you find people. You can find that people have their own ways and roles. No one is perfect. God create all human being to help each other. That's why people don't master all subjects. They master only several of them. It happens in all aspects of life.

in short, the point I want to tell you is Find how great your Lord is and you will realize that you are nothing compared to Him and He loves you.


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